Unipolarmotor Example 8 Details

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The idea was born to demonstrate, that it also works if the magnetic discs are at right angels to the connecting disc. And that this construction would allow several pairs of magnet discs to be connected electrically in series, so that a stronger effect could be achieved. This is the major reason why a common electrical motor (faraday’s motor) is much stronger, because using a commutator allows multiple windings to increase the force. The count of magnetic discs are similar to the number of windings in a conventional motor.

Two serialized pairs of magnetic discs

Two serialized pairs of magnetic discs (corresponds to two windings of a conventional electrical motor).

Four serialized pairs of magnetic discs

Four serialized pairs of magnetic discs (correspondes to four windings of a conventional electrical motor).

At the end more pairs of magnetic discs are needed and perhaps a different arrangement to increase the effect.

Possible endless chain of serialized magnetic discs

In this example, current-conducting connecting straps could be used