Unipolarmotor – A Paradoxical Movement

The world is full of unexplained physical phenomena that are worth investigating more closely

The Unipolarmotor (or Homopolarmotor) effect is caused by the Lorentz force. This force provides a torque around the rotating axle when ever a magnetic field is perpendicular to the current.

However, the exciting thing is to discover the counter torque (actio=reactio), because the torque generating magnet is firmly connected to the conductor disc.

My experiments and setups on Faraday’s paradox are not intended to explain the cause for the emergence of the magnetic field. There is a historically accepted approach to explain it. But which is certainly not sufficient because it does not answer all the questions. There are other and – personally preferred – better attempts at explanation, even if they are not confirmed or recognized by the physical community. There is no doubt that we need to expand our thinking and understanding, including further experiments, in order to make progress towards understanding magnetism (Lorentz force).

On the following pages, my intention is only to explain the paradox of the immovable magnetic ring, which can be explained purely mechanically independently of the question about the root cause of the Lorentz force.

→ Examples presented on YouTube with more information

→ Experiments which are necessary to explain the strength thing

→ Explanation (the intention of all this stuff)

→ History and how that all began


I don’t remember what the initial moment was when I started thinking about it. Perhaps it was simply the search for a question of physics that is not fully answered, but which is not beyond my ability to explain and strong enough to take me completely with it. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what made me fall for this love of experimentation. I felt that there is more to it than what I had learned in my school years.